

MCV Logo

4 producers, 4 days, 4 unique landscapes, 4 solar-powered productions.

Jump on board the LAGoodvibe mobile studio with Joachim Garraud, Trovarsi, Hugo Paris and Franck Martin for a unique four-day exploration of breathtaking landscapes and original music compositions. Travelog of a creative journey solely powered by Californian sunshine, the adventure gave us 4 days to compose, produce, mix, and master 100% solar powered tracks.

Experience daily life on the bus: hangs, creative struggles and bonding laughter as we work towards a unifying performance for this exceptional outdoors setting.

A sonic and visual journey. New sounds, all kinds of electronic music instruments, new music, but also stunning imagery including 360 videos and drone footage to form a unique 30mn road trip documentary.

From the success of the “Get Back” documentary, there is a demand for behind the scenes, exclusive access of when music is created. This movie follows our adventurers building content for an EP from scratch and finishing by one amazing concert in the desert.

LAGood Vibe is a modern autonomous professional studio built in a bus. The studio is entirely powered by the Sun. https://www.lagoodvibe.com/

Movie Showings & Live Performances

The Adventurers

Joachim Garraud

Legend of electronic music and undisputed showman, Joachim Garraud transports his audience through meticulous productions, combining punchy sounds and elegant melodic arrangements, clever mix of vibrations, frequencies, and pulsations. Producer and Collaborator of Jean-Michel Jarre, David Guetta, David Bowie,.. https://www.joachimgarraud.com

Hugo Paris

Born and raised in the South of France, and based in Portland OR, Hugo R.A. Paris creates finely crafted live hardware electronic music with a unique focus on expressivity and raw emotion. Label mate with Terry Riley, Coleen and Amulets (Beacon Sound) Hugo’s adventurous albums translate into an engaging live journey involving modular synths, keyboards and percussions. He is the creator of the acclaimed 4MS Spherical Wavetable Navigator module (SWN). Hugo’s albums (3) have received attention from press outlets such as XLR8R, Fact Magazine and Resident Advisor. https://hugoparismusic.com


A LA based music producer and live performance artist who brings a unique sound to the world of electronic music. With a hybrid blend of analog synths, modular, drum machines and Ableton, she builds a pulsing atmosphere to any set she plays. Trovarsi is also a Co-Founder of Southern California Synth Society. https://www.trovarsiofficial.com

Franck Martin

Born and raised in France, a 20-year resident of Fiji and traveler to all the Pacific Islands, Franck Martin is now based out of San Francisco. His musical journey encompasses this multicultural experience. His search for sounds, emotions, going outside the rules, led him to experiment with micro-tones and quadraphonic music using either his modular synthesizer or producing music in 5.1 surround sound, ambisonic, binaural or Dolby Atmos. https://www.peachymango.org

Contact information

hugoplho at gmail.com
franck at peachymango.org


6AM, Moog Music Inc, Elektron, Novation, iZotope, Shakmat Modular, Track Club / Marmoset, WMD, New Systems Instruments, Emailexpert, Chauvet DJ.

In the Press

"This Spring, follow the hashtag #ModularCaliforniaVibes and jump on board the LAGoodvibe mobile studio with Joachim Garraud, Trovarsi, Hugo Paris and Franck Martin for a unique four-day exploration of breathtaking landscapes and original music compositions! " - Kevin Ching - 6AM

"It’s under the name of Modular Vibes California that three Frenchies and an American, all fans of electro, will hit the road on April 4 aboard a bus transformed into a recording studio for a unique adventure, heading for Soggy Lake, California." - Anne Marie - MerciSF

"Last year, we wrote about Franck Martin, a local modular synthesizer wizard who hosts a monthly electronic music showcase at Noisebridge in the Mission every fourth Thursday. He’ll be at Gray Area on January 14 with his Modular California Vibes project, which includes Joachim Garraud (a famous French Touch DJ and producer for David Guetta and Jean Michel Jarre), Trovarsi (co-founder of Socal Synth Society), and Hugo Paris (Creator of the 4ms SWM module.) [..] The idea behind Modular California Vibes was to arrange commutable synthesizer music with a link to nature. “Joachim has a mobile studio powered by the sun called LAGoodVibe,” continued Martin. “We took it to the desert to be amongst ourselves and nature. We tried to be carbon neutral as much as possible, respect the environment and put all this vibe into the music that we created from just being there with friends in four different locations. We recorded our adventures as a documentary to share it with people." -
John-Paul Shiver - 48Hills

"Un voyage électro au cœur de paysages désertiques, voilà le combo qui vous attend le samedi 14 janvier au Gray Area Theater de San Francisco, dans le quartier de Mission. Quatre célèbres DJ et producteurs – les Français Joachim Garraud, Hugo Paris, Franck Martin, et l’Américaine Trovarsi – s’y produiront autour d’un évènement unique : #ModularCaliforniaVibes." - Charlotte Attry - French Morning